Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Art Integrity

The "painting a day" artists blogging here in cyberspace have created quite an interesting networking draw to their work. Some of it is pretty damn good too.
It's a virtual art market where the average person can find cheap little paintings to buy and collect without worrying if it's a good investment.
But artists should be careful here about devaluing their time, talent and skill by selling their work so far below market value.
The 24"X18" painting shown here of "Yellow Bowl with Peppers" took several hours to complete, but in reality this painting is the result of a life time of dedication.
It actually saddened me when this piece was sold in a NYC gallery back in 2000, as I hate to part with many of my paintings, but it felt good that someone loved this work enough to make a real investment too. Maintaining market value is important to the integrity of the artist's life time body of work. And this will never be achieved by selling your work at dime store prices.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonjour Kath!
I've found last year Duane Keiser website and his successful "a painting a day" via Anna Conti's blog and thought that it was a pretty good idea, to get a daily income witch give you the time to achieve your own goal with your art . Now they're hundreds doing the same. I'm a painter, but to make a living I'm cleaning summer's english houses in France. So even if I do understand your purpose, I will be happy to swap my "cleaning a day" boring time, by a "painting a day" devaluing time! Artists used to do that anyway, like Orson welles for example who accepted to perform in some bad films (in France for instance)to make money for his own productions. I don't think much of "the integrity of the artist's life time body of work", it sounds to serious to me, coz realy, we're just talking about a peach, a bowl of cherries or a sun flower in a vase! In my opinion, you can be an honest good painter working every day to fine your skills painting thousands of fruits or landscapes that people are happy to by on e-bay, and keep some time to try to become an "artist" I mean dedicating your life time expressing yourself with no interest in the market value.
amicalement,best regards,
Elaine from France

Tuesday, 12 September, 2006  

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